Rotary Membership - Why Join Our Rotary Club?

To feel welcome and appreciated - Rotary has no rituals
or restrictions – it is simply open to anyone who believes in helping others.
To enjoy friendship and fellowship – our meetings and activities are fun!
To provide community service to both local and international communities -
the chance to do something for somebody else and enjoy the personal
gratification that comes with helping others.
For self-improvement -Rotary membership is richly rewarding!
To network - Rotary members represent a broad cross section
of our community and come from all walks of life.
We help each other and collectively help others.
To keep informed about our community, our country, and
the world through informative programs.
To attend any of the 35,000 clubs - Rotary is International -
every Rotarian is very welcome in any Club.
We are a great mix of friendly men and women, younger and older, with a wide range of backgrounds.
We greet each other by first names/nicknames – there are no titles or formalities.
Our meetings feature Great Fellowship, Great Food, Great Programs!You Will Be Very Welcome As A Guest